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Graphic designer, illustrator and craft maker
at self owned yaba(yeh!) brand and more design studio, located in Binyamina, Israel.
Senior lecturer of design in the Visual Communication dept. at The NB Haifa School
of Design, Haifa, Israel
Creative Workshops:
Hand made Crafts, Molding & Casting
Independent practical & theoretical
research in aluminium, collect desirable
objects, illustrate and enjoy life.
Studied Graphic Design in Bezalel Academy
of Art & Design, Jerusalem. B.A. in Graphic Design.
Studied Industrial Design Research in Bezalel Academy of Art & Design, Jerusalem. M.A. in Industrial Design.
Studied Etching in Brera Accademia
di Belli Arti in Milano, Italy
tel. (972) 0522 952 664
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